Global Cash Analysis – A Microlending Essential

Global Cash Flow Analysis is a critical part of small business lending underwriting that takes a holistic view of the business owner’s entire cash situation – because looking at the business alone does not provide the whole story, specially of microbusinesses.

Whether you’re a microlender or business assistance provider – help your clients get the best loan they can by understanding their financial situation.

We will review steps to determine whether there is sufficient excess cash to cover a new loan payment, by looking at business and personal cash. We will provide you with an Excel spreadsheet to help with the calculations. And we will provide a few cash management tips that you can pass onto your business clients.

CAMEO teaches Global Cash Flow Analysis in depth in its Microlending Essentials course, which will be offered in Los Angeles, Feb 20-21, so mark your calendars. It’s important that cash flow decisions are universally applied throughout your organization to ensure consistency in underwriting and to support portfolio performance. So invite the whole team to join this webinar and sign up for Microlending Essentials.

About the Presenter

Susan Brown is a Business & Community Development Specialist with a specific focus on Business Finance and Rural Microenterprise. CAMEO engaged Susan to implement our Rural Initiative in 2008 and is now managing our partnerships with Kiva and LiftFund’s MMS platform. Through her consulting service Susan provides strategic planning, facilitation, program development and grant writing services to non-profit organizations and government agencies as well as consulting services to small business owners.