Cybersecurity: Mitigating Risk for Microenterprises


We love technology. It helps us do so many things more efficiently. But it’s not immune to crime. Nationally cybersecurity incidents increased about 12 fold from about 5,500 in 2006 to more than 70,000 today. Join CAMEO board member, Jesse Torres, and a panel of experts who will help us navigate the cyberworld safely.

  • What is the current state of threat from cyber attack for micro businesses? 
  • What are steps small businesses owners can take to mitigate risk?
  • What cybersecurity skills do you need to have at your organization?


Bill Britton

Director, Cybersecurity Center and Vice President of Information Technology @ Cal Poly San Luis Obispo





Darin Andersen

CEO & Chairman, CyberUnited and Chair, Economic Development Subcommittee, Cybersecurity Task Force @ California Office of Emergency Services





Sid Voorakkara

Principal @ Ten Page Memo