Robin King, Rene TreVor Jewelry

Big thanks to MCSC Women’s Business Center for sharing Robin’s story!
Rene TreVor Jewelry is dedicated to helping you tell your story, whether it be to honor a loved one that has passed, cherish a blissful union, or savor the milestones of a growing child. Your heartfelt memories creatively designed for a beautiful story you can wear and share.
Robin King always dreamed of having her own business but never imagined it would come from such tragic circumstances. On the same day that she lost her mother to her battle against cancer, her 25-year-old son’s life was also taken. But part of her healing came through creativity. Not long after their deaths, Robin began making keepsake jewelry for herself and a few family members as a way of dealing with their recent losses and to keep their loved ones close. In loving memory of her mother and son, the name and concept for her business were conceived. 
However, she realized she lacked the knowledge to make it happen. In May 2018, Robin enrolled in MCSC Women’s Business Center’s 10-week “Start Run Grow” course and began learning what she needed to get started. As the winner of the business pitch competition, she was able to invest her prize money into starting her business and launching her e-commerce website on the memorial anniversary of her losses. 
Robin is growing her business with the nuggets of wisdom that she learned from the class and continues to put her faith in the WBC to help her evolve as an entrepreneur and grow her business to the success she’s envisioned.