Michelle Constant, CONSTANT Associates

This story was originally published on smallbizla.org.

Michelle Constant founded CONSTANT Associates in 2004 as a disaster and crisis management consulting firm. Their first contract involved the delivery of biological terrorism exercises for the government. But to grow, the firm needed expert help.

headshot of Michelle Constant

Michelle contacted the SBDC at El Camino College for assistance with business operations and to build a growth plan. Business Advisor Lawrence Johnson helped her identify her competitive advantage and create a strategic plan, and reviewed cash flow statements and loan documentation so Michelle could raise capital to grow her business. Lawrence made introductions to help Michelle extend her network, leading to partnerships that resulted in new contract opportunities. He also guided her through the process of becoming 8a certified, which CONSTANT Associates received in the fall of 2019.

Today, the company services both private and public sector clients on local, State, and Federal level. Their diverse client list includes the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the State of California, the County of Los Angeles, and numerous large production companies. Michelle attributes her company’s rapid, sustainable growth to the guidance she received from the SBDC.

Since I have had the pleasure of interfacing with the SBDC, my company’s topline has nearly doubled, our profit margins have more than doubled, the number of employees we have has grown by 30%, and we have formed two SBA -approved Joint Venture/Mentor Protégé relationships with amazing firms – and these are just the highlights! The crowning achievement thus far is the recent notification that my company has been certified as an 8(a) business, which will provide tremendous positioning for us with Federal clients.

Michelle Constant
CONSTANT Associates