Lashawnda Scaccianoce, Delight Your Senses

This story was originally published in

Lashawnda Scaccianoce has been passionate about food and feeding people since she was young. In fact, she was only 11 years old when she had her first catering “job”. As a mother of 5 children, she has always participated in her community. She has served on school PTOs and volunteered with various community-based organizations, including the Rotary and Children’s Services Network. In her previous career, she was a pre-school and substitute teacher.

Lashawnda Scaccianoce photo

Lashawnda started Delight Your Senses in 2020 after demand for her homemade specialty jams, jellies, spice blends and baked goods increased. She realized that she could sell her products at “pop-up” markets and vendor fairs as well as on Instagram and in local businesses. Her unique combinations of quality, locally sourced ingredients quickly found a fan base.

A previous MCSC WBC client and speaker encouraged Lashawnda to enroll in the “Explore, Design, Launch” course. Although excited and passionate about her business, Lashawnda knew that she needed help with the many facets of business ownership. Especially the financial and marketing aspects. She appreciated the courses and the mentors she gained through the WBC program. She also liked receiving advice and guidance from those who are on the outside of her business.

Since the “Explore, Design, Launch” course, Lashawnda has made strides into placing her products into local businesses. She’s also increased her participation in local markets. For example, her products are currently being used and sold in a local restaurant and she is in negotiations with another restaurant. Lashawnda’s ultimate goal is to own and operate a luncheonette that serves employees of local businesses and the community.