Ivellisse Morales, bombilla

Thanks to Uptima Business Bootcamp for sharing Ivellisse’s story!

For a decade, Ivelisse Morales has been an expert in marketing as a force for good, helping brands of all sizes with the power of creativity. In 2018, she decided to leave her career in corporate responsibility to start her dream company.

Photo of Ivellisse Morales

That’s how bombilla was born – a mission-driven creative agency that aims to respond to the realities of today’s world. Through branding and design, bombilla emphasizes community, collaboration, and boundless creativity.

Despite her endless passion, Ivellisse needed help to navigate the ups and downs of being a business owner. While browsing the City of San Francisco’s Freelancer web portal, she came across Uptima Business Bootcamp and immediately signed up. After an initial call with Lead Instructor/Mentor Rani Langer-Croager, she started on her first course.

Since September 2018, Ivellisse has taken four courses with Uptima: Creating a Business Roadmap, Building Operational Capacity, Funding a Business Course, and Create Good Jobs. She credits Uptima for helping her develop the knowledge, skills, community, and accountability necessary to bring her business to the next level.

There were many times I wanted to quit because I simply couldn’t handle the stress of juggling it all. I was thankfully walked off that plank by my instructor and classmates. Between the classes, mentor and peer mentor calls, the high expectations, and the accountability, you will be obligated to step up as a CEO and make the time to work on your business and not in your business. Because if not you, then who?

Photo of bombilla's creative samples

Since then, Ivellisse has also become an instructor, mentor, and business advisor at Uptima. Meanwhile, bombilla’s success has been undeniable. Ivellisse recently received the One Club ADCOLOR Creative Award, which recognizes the work of diverse leaders who have made an impact in tech and creative industries.