Organization Technical Assistance

CAMEO offers organizational technical assistance and training services to our members.

CAMEO Builds Capacity with Organizational Consulting Services

CAMEO works with members on a short-term basis to address a specific issue or help launch a larger effort for free (limited),  as well as on a paid basis.

Do you want to

  • Receive help to implement new lending processes and all aspects of the MicroLending Academy
  • Plan or facilitate a board/staff retreat
  • Design a strategic plan
  • Assess your organization
  • Assess needs and identify resources for leadership training
  • Review or evolve your program design
  • Find ideas for new services
  • Upgrade your financial management skills
  • Plan for collaborations with other organizations and agencies
  • Train your staff on best practices for training, customer retention, credit analysis, communications and more
  • Update your website
  • Plan a press conference or implementing other media strategy
  • What do you need?

But you don’t know where to start? CAMEO wants you to succeed. So we offer 10 hours of free organizational technical assistance and training services to a limited number of members.

Susan Brown (bio) is your point person for all organizational training that is not communications-related. Susan, one of our consultants, has over 20 years of experience with Micro Enterprise and nonprofit organizational development. You can contact her at susan (at) susanrileybrown (dot) com or at 530.918.9045 to discuss your needs.

Heidi Pickman (bio), responsible for CAMEO’s communications and policy efforts, is your point person for all communications training (press conference, media strategy, website review, talking with the media etc.)  She also will help edit success stories, write press releases and op-eds, and other editorial needs. You can contact her at hpickman (at) microbiz (dot) org or at 415.992.4483 to discuss your needs.


If you are interested in accessing this member service, please email this information to Susan Brown.

1. Organization and executive director Name
2. Contact information
3. List main program services.
4. Describe the issue you want to address and the outcome you want to achieve.
5. List the two or three main activities you would like to undertake to achieve this outcome.
6. What specifically (activities, tasks, meetings, research, training) would you like Susan to do for this project?
7. What will you contribute to the project?
8. Estimate the number of Susan’s hours to complete the project.
9. Estimate the number of hours and personnel you can contribute to the project.
10. List other resources available to contribute to the project, if needed.


At the completion of the project, CAMEO requires the member organization to complete an evaluation of their experience.

More Information

Organizational assessment would include a mini 360-degree survey, write-up of the results and a meeting to note possible actions to address issues identified in the survey.

More topics for trainings staff or board:
How to run effective meetings
Reviewing and improving program design
Basics of strategic planning
Customer service & retention
Financial Analysis
On-line Marketing
Ways to Implement Social Media
Board Effectiveness
Develop quality job descriptions
Goal setting
Performance standards and evaluations for board, staff and directors
Media Training, e.g. videotaped interviews with critiques