Women’s Small Business Organizations

Women business owners, though they’ve always played an important part in our country’s economy, have been historically underserved and face continuing barriers to success. In response to this, many small business assistance organizations have created programs to serve the needs of this specific group of business owners.

Below is a (non-comprehensive) list of organizations and programs that help women entrepreneurs start and grow successful businesses.

Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center

Coachella Valley Women’s Business Center was founded in 2006. Whether you are an aspiring or budding entrepreneur, we can help you create a small business that is profitable, sustainable, and successful in achieving your personal goals. We can walk you through the step-by-step process of turning your business idea into a reality. Or, if you’ve recently launched your business we can help you identify and complete any critical steps that may have been missed, ensuring your new business’s profitability and sustainability.


Inland Empire Women’s Business Center

The Inland Empire Women’s Business Center was founded in 2003. Whether you are an aspiring or budding entrepreneur, we can help you create a small business that is profitable, sustainable, and successful in achieving your personal goals. We can walk you through the step-by-step process of turning your business idea into a reality. Or, if you’ve recently launched your business we can help you identify and complete any critical steps that may have been missed, ensuring your new business’s profitability and sustainability.


Women’s Business Center at JEDI

The WBC at JEDI serves women and men starting and growing businesses in the Siskiyou, Shasta, Trinity and Humboldt Counties of California. This new program is in part funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and supported by the SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership.


Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV)

In 1991, Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) established its micro-loan fund and self-employment training program. Since then, we have worked diligently to create an equitable and just society through the economic empowerment of women. And although we target women because of the unique challenges they face, we help men, too. WEV programs combine classroom training, capital and individual technical assistance to support the small business entrepreneur through start-up, stabilization and growth phases. Most services are provided in Spanish and English. WEV uses our own custom training curriculum: From Vision to Venture: Planning for Business Success

Women Veteran Entrepreneur Network (WOVEN)

WOVEN is a CAMEO program for military women and military spouses. Let’s meet for structured but informal work sessions to improve your business growth strategies and connect with other women to form a formidable business network. We created this meetup for entrepreneurial-minded women within the U.S. military community. Whether you are an aspiring business owner or have had your business for years, you will make valuable connections to grow your business. 

VEDC Women’s Business Center

The VEDC Women’s Business Center is a Small Business Administration program promoting the creation and growth of businesses by women and minority entrepreneurs. Backed by the expertise of VEDC, we assist our clients with access to business capital, training and consulting.