Who Are MMS Borrowers ?

With the first year of CAMEO’s MMS program completed, and our users having made over 100 loans, we’re taking a closer look at what MMS borrowers look like. MMS offers a robust set of demographic tools, and CAMEO will be taking fuller advantage of these program features in the coming year.

Most MMS borrowers are young businesses, with 70% of loans going to businesses less than three years old.


Borrowers serve a variety of industries, from accounting services to fashion design. The top three industries were personal/design services, retail, and restaurant service.


Most loans were for $15,000 or less, with a median loan size of 15,000.


The three most common reasons for needing a loan were working capital, start up costs, and leasehold improvements. The majority of approved loans were for working capital, which was most commonly used to purchase inventory.
