The Shutdown and Us

According to a report by House Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velázquez, the government shutdown has led SBA to cease its activities for the 7(a) and 504 loan programs, as well as the Microloan program. For contractors, a shutdown prevents agencies from entering into any new contracts, including those with small businesses. Furloughing employees also has impacted contracting resources such as FedBizOpps and FPDS, which slows down the bid process. 
​The shutdown has also impacted SBA’s various entrepreneurial development programs. Small Business Development Centers are experiencing delays in processing loan packages and Women’s Business Centers are facing challenges in coordinating events, such as matchmaking, with government agencies.
The House is scheduled to vote today on a bill that would fund Financial Services appropriations, which includes funding for the Small Business Administration (SBA). The bill has little chance of being taken up by the Senate, as Senate Majority Leader McConnell has indicated the Senate will not vote on any bills that the President will not sign.
CalNonprofits is conducting a quick survey to understand the impact the shutdown is having on nonprofits and their communities. Please take 5 minutes to share your experiences.