Senate Forms Entrepreneurship Caucus

On Wednesday, fourteen Senators launched a bipartisan Entrepreneurship Caucus, led by Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). The Caucus hopes to encourage startup growth, and will serve as a clearinghouse for policy ideas from groups supporting entrepreneurs.

“New businesses are the engines that drive economic growth, but fewer and fewer startups are launched every year,” said Sen. Klobuchar. “Establishing the bipartisan Senate Entrepreneurship Caucus will allow Congress to work with entrepreneurs across the country to stimulate innovation, create jobs and move our country forward.”

Startup rates have recently fallen to near 30-year lows. The Caucus will work to diagnose the causes of this “startup slump” and formulate a comprehensive strategy to counteract it. 

Formation of the caucus is supported by the Center for American Entrepreneurship (CAE), Economic Innovation Group (EIG), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Majority, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Main Street Alliance, the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council, Small Business Investor Alliance, the American Investment Council, and the National Venture Capital Association.

CAMEO commends this bipartisan effort as we believe it will benefit entrepreneurs of all stripes, including Main Street and the self-employed.