Lucy Ludwig

Lucy Ludwig began her law career in 2006 as a public defender in San Diego, working long hours at volumes of impersonal work. But she yearned for the satisfaction that comes from helping individuals with financial needs. She took a position with a tax firm in San Diego and when the company later closed, she realized that the time was ripe for her to start her own business.

Ludwig applied for a loan from CAMEO member ACCION San Diego in 2009 and received $3,000. With the funds, she purchased software to build a business website and hired a marketing coach.

Lucy now works as an attorney out of her 1940’s two-bedroom house in the Normal Heights area of San Diego. Although it is a full-service law firm, Ludwig specializes in assisting clients with tax issues.

Ludwig not only educates her clients on improving their financial situations, but she builds personal relationships and ensures that they never have to face the IRS alone.
