Leslie Labowitz-Starus, Foodology

Thanks to Valley Economic Development Center for this story!

lesliestarusfoodologyLeslie Labowitz-Starus has a passionate interest in natural foods. In 1980, she founded Foodology, LLC specializing in Organic and Natural food products in Sun Valley, CA. Leslie’s vision was to blend the art of preparing great tasting foods from fresh, natural ingredients with the most modern techniques in packaging.

In the shadow of a dwindling economy, Mrs. Starus approached VEDC. “VEDC helped me with funds to bridge a time when there was drop in sales and they gave me an opportunity to recover and garner additional clients.”

Foodology, LLC weathered the economic downturn by reorganizing from higher end gourmet to value priced products. Today, their products can be found in almost every natural food stores and many main stream grocers in California and across the U.S.

“What’s most important is that VEDC was supportive every step along the way, not like the banks where you feel their only concern is the bottom line. But VEDC was really on my side, they wanted me to succeed and they wanted to help me create more jobs.” said Leslie. “I’m hoping to come back to VEDC soon to get a larger loan to expand my business.”

With her creativity and persistence Leslie Labowitz-Starus has carved a niche for herself. She is committed to her community and her workforce and an excellent example of an entrepreneurial pioneer.

Hear more stories like this at the 2012 Women Entrepreneur’s Symposium: Food, Glorious Food Biz!