It’s Census Time!

Thanks to Ready Nation for providing information for this post!

Today is Census Day! As of today and until August 14, 2020, households around the country will be able to complete their census questionnaires. The census takes place every ten years, so here’s a refresher of what you need to know about the census and why it’s important.

How to respond

  • The census is designed for people to respond on their own in the comfort of their homes. Anyone can go online now to complete the questionnaire or call the Census Bureau. It only takes a few minutes. A pre-stamped paper form will also arrive in the mail in April if a household has not already received one.
  • If you are unable to answer the census online, by phone, or by mail before May 27, 2020, census takers will visit your home to interview you.

Who to count

  • Count everyone in your home on your 2020 Census questionnaire, which includes babies, young children, foster children and nonrelatives who live with you. Students who should be living in a college dorm, if not for COVID-19, will be counted by their school.


  • The census website can accept responses in English and 12 other languages. Respondents can also call by phone for questionnaire assistance.


  • The census is safe and private. In fact, federal law prohibits anyone at the Census Bureau from sharing personal census information, with violations resulting in stiff penalties and jail time.
  • It only asks for basic information (e.g., age, sex, race, type of housing, etc.) for all people living in your household. It does not ask for sensitive information like social security numbers, immigration status or bank account information.
  • Households do not need an ID code to respond to the census online or by phone.

Why it’s important

  • Every year, roughly $1.5 trillion in federal resources is distributed using census data. Participating this year will help ensure our communities get their full share of funding for hospitals, schools, roads, workforce development, fire, police and much more. These are investments that contribute to a strong community and economy and will assist in our recovery when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
  • Emergency planning such as our current public health crisis relies on accurate census data.