Central Coast Meeting Notes

*Suggestion to increase partnerships with WIBs and CAMEO members: have MDO sit on WIB board and vice versa
*Potential measure: entry into incubation program as outcome of training
*WIBS create percentages of training in certain categories/occupations – have entrepreneurship be one of the categories – and present to local WIB board
*Need good models to train staff and clients

  • Trainers need to be on the ETPL list – community colleges and universities automatically on list
  • CA Employment Training Funds have onerous tracking requirements and need collaboration to manage funds
  • Loyanne- ALBA participant case study: one stop staff need help “managing” a self-employment case – don’t know how (CV: they shouldn’t be managing it)
  • Probably wouldn’t meet progress goals. Suggests ALBA staff at one-stop and integrate into model.
  • David Ryal’s group offers an intro to entrepreneurship class periodically at the WIB for clients and invites staff. And once a client is in entrepreneurship training, Ryal has case manager sit in on the class.

*David Lundberg (Santa Cruz WIB, Executive Director): CALWORKS AB 98 and the subsidized worker program can be used by small businesses (good for clients – they can ‘hire’ an employee for 4 months and give on-the-job training and the state picks up the tab.) SF has great program –

*Established business can get help too in Workforce Innovation Fund

A few notes from Intros

Chris Khan: Monterey Bay Biz Plan Competition, working on agricultural technology and sustainability cluster

David Lundberg: Monterey and Santa Cruz WIB have a green jobs partnership, working on Watsonville-Pajaro regional career center; “Pro-active Rapid Response” to keep businesses from closing, saved 87 jobs and $500,000 from CAL Unemployement paymanets

Jerry Hernandez: Monterey Economic Opportunity: Living laboratory – redevelopment redoes outside (facades) and training redoes the insides (business plans)

Andrea Nield / SBDC is hosting a live stream of CALED event, works with disabled vets

David Ryal works in San Luis Obispo, Monterey and Kern – focus on spanish speaking has taken laborers out of the field into business

Farmlink has brought their loan program in house

Loyanne and David are creating a regional workgroup