Capacity Building Grants for Consulting

From Friedman Associates…

Capacity Building Grants for Microenterprise Development Organizations
Funded by the U.S. SBA PRIME Program

Capacity building is often defined as “actions that improve nonprofit effectiveness.” Thanks to the SBA PRIME Program, nonprofits that help low-income individuals start and expand small businesses can apply for assistance to increase capacity and impact.

Note: these grants do not include a monetary award but instead offer pro bono consulting worth $15,000. Selected organizations must provide an in-kind match of staff time devoted to the project plus up to $1,000 to defray the cost of travel expenses for the consultant’s site visit.

1. Consortium for Leaders in Women’s Microenterprise Development

Administered by Women’s Initiative for Self Employment with assistance from Friedman Associates.

Women’s Initiative is one of the largest organizations in the country helping low-income women build successful businesses. Four organizations that serve primarily low-income women entrepreneurs are eligible to receive capacity building assistance. This includes: strategic planning; fund development training; board development training; volunteer program management; messaging and external communications strategies; and program assessment and design, among other services.

Download the WI SBA PRIME Capacity Building Application 2012. E-mail the application to Liz deRenzy and Jason Friedman. Applications are due on November 29th.

2. Academy for Green Microenterprise Development
Administered by Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs/Georgia Green Loans with assistance from Friedman Associates

ACE is an award-winning CDFI and microlender that has developed a statewide platform for green small business lending. Seeking to develop a green microenterprise development training or lending program? On a competitive basis, two Microenterprise Development Organizations (MDOs) that serve low-income individuals will be selected to learn how to teach the “the triple bottom line” to their clients. ACE will work with you to develop a strategic plan for your green program. We will also connect you to resources and program materials to help you create your initiative.

Download the application. Please return it by: November 30, 2011 to

3. MicroBuilders Capacity Building Program
Administered by Little Dixie Community Action Agency with assistance from Friedman Associates.

Little Dixie CAA is an award winning organization providing a broad range of economic and community development programs. Four organizations that serve primarily low-income entrepreneurs are eligible to receive capacity building assistance. This includes: strategic planning; fund development training; board development training; volunteer program management; messaging and external communications strategies; and program assessment and design, among other services.

Download the LDCAA SBA PRIME Capacity Building Application 2012. Please return it by: November 30, 2011 to and