CAMEO’s Strategic Framework for 2023-2025

CAMEO 2023-2025 Strategic Framework

Download the framework to learn more.

INCUBATION: Build the CAMEO Academy into a national leader in micro enterprise incubation that offers training and capacity building support for all players in the ecosystem. Foster micro enterprise ecosystem building through the growth of organizations and collaboratives in California as well as statewide coalitions nationally.

ADVOCACY: Amplify CAMEO’s voice and visibility as a key micro enterprise advocate by leveraging member voices and collaborating with partners.

NAVIGATION : Improve access to the ecosystem of support for underserved* small businesses. (*CAMEO’s definition of underserved is inspired by UNESCO and is those at risk of exclusion as a result of gender, sexual orientation, location, poverty, disability, race, ethnicity, language, migration, displacement, or other characteristics.)

Increase the proportion of organizational revenue derived from earned income to strengthen CAMEO’s financial position. Conduct a review of CAMEO’s fund development strategy to ensure the organization has sufficient levels of the right types of capital from diverse sources and of human resources to achieve its strategic objectives.

Expand organizational resources to allow for increased program and service delivery and to support staff recruitment, professional development, and retention. Increase the diversity of voices that influence organizational outcomes internally through staff and Board and externally through partnerships and collaborations.