The results of our 2019 Member Survey are in! Thank you to everyone who took the time to give us their thoughtful answers and opinions – it will help us improve and offer better services for you and your clients. The results of the survey confirm a lot of what we already knew in terms of the topics and services you are most interested in. There were also some interesting findings that make clear what CAMEO’s top challenges going forward will be. Below are a few highlights of what our members had to say.
CAMEO Members
- More than half (57.2%) of survey respondents have been CAMEO members for more than 5 years.
- 80% of respondents felt they know CAMEO well or very well.
- The top 3 challenges facing CAMEO members, according to survey respondents, are: funding, marketing, and staff acquisition & training.
CAMEO Membership
- Three-quarters of survey respondents rated the value of their CAMEO membership as excellent or very good.
- At least one-third of respondents are aware of all of CAMEO’s programs, with the most well-known programs being those related to capacity building, advocacy, and the Must Know.
- All of CAMEO’s programs were rated as good, very good, or excellent.
- CAMEO’s advocacy efforts are the must-have membership benefit for 85.2% of respondents.
- Suggestions for benefits and/or that respondents would like CAMEO to offer include increased advocacy, mentorship opportunities, and business coaching training.
- 78.6% of respondents would be interested in a leadership program offered by CAMEO.
- Networking, advocacy, resources, and our staff were listed as the things respondents most value about CAMEO.
- Suggestions for what CAMEO could improve include having a stronger presence in Southern California and helping with advocacy at the local and municipal level.
CAMEO Communications
- 93% of survey respondents get their CAMEO news via email, while 100% of respondents say they want to get CAMEO updates via email.
- Half of respondents want to hear from CAMEO every week.
- 86.2% are very satisfied or satisfied with CAMEO’s communications.
- 88.9% of respondents believe CAMEO’s communications keep them fully or fairly well informed.
- What respondents like most about CAMEO’s communications are their informative nature and the inclusion of resources, events, and funding opportunities.
- Event invitations, policy updates, and professional development opportunities are the topics that respondents most want to hear about.
- 77.8% of respondents rated the Must Know newsletter as excellent or very good.
- Nearly two-thirds (62%) of respondents say they read all or most of the Must Know.