Training Opportunities for 2019! Plus What the Shutdown Means for Us

In this Must Know…

Training, Training, Training

MicroLending Essentials in Los Angeles
Is one of your goals to help business owners access capital? Are too many of your referrals to lenders denied? 

CAMEO’s Susan Brown developed a training that will help your staff think like a lender so that your referrals experience a higher rate of success. Register now for MicroLending Essentials in Los Angeles on February 20-21, 2019.
Training Independent Entrepreneurs for Success (TIES)
Join us for a special Train-the-Trainer event led by Samaschool, a nonprofit that specializes in preparing individuals to understand and successfully participate in the “gig economy”. CAMEO is providing members with a free opportunity to attend Samaschool’s How to Succeed as a Freelancer training. This 4-hour event will start by teaching you what the gig economy is (and isn’t), who it can help, and where it’s headed. Then, Samaschool will walk you through its curriculum and how you can use it to effectively facilitate classes in your own communities. Join us on March 20, 2019, in San Francisco.
Also mark your calendars for the MicroLending Forum on April 23, 2019!

And More Training

Online learning is exploding. The industry will reach $325 billion in the next 5 years. This year, as part of our Coaching Academy we will focus on implementing online learning in our space. 
Join our Third Thursday webinar, A Must Do: Online Learning for Micro Business TA on January 17, 2019, at 2:00 pm. Click to register and find out more.

Federal Government Shutdown

What does it mean for us? As of today, the SBA is closed. And until the government passes a new budget, there will be no RFPs for FY2019 grants (that started in October). Apparently, the House is going to vote on a package to re-open the government tomorrow then negotiate with the White House and the Senate. We will have more next week.

The Goodies

Webinars & Workshops
  • The Women’s Business Center at JEDI is hosting a webinar to talk about CalSavers for small business owners on January 8, 2019, at 12:00 pm PST. 
  • Small Business Majority is hosting a webinar to explain recent changes to the ACA and how they impact small businesses on January 15, 2019, at 1:00 pm EST.
For Your Clients
  • Beginning on January 1, 2019, the Employment Development Department (EDD) will be assessing penalties on businesses which do not electronically file certain tax forms.
  • The Specialty Food Business Summit takes place on April 7-9, 2019 in Chicago. It is the ultimate conference for building a specialty food or beverage company.
Professional Development

Other Goodies

  • New Report: The Democracy At Work Institute and the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives released a report on worker-owned businesses in the United States.
  • Jobs: AnewAmerica, Kiva US, Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, Opportunity Finance Network, Pacific Community Ventures, CalSavers, California Budget & Policy Center, Mission Community Services Corporation, Credit Builders Alliance, Santa Cruz SBDC, and Women’s Economic Ventures are hiring!