State Investment in Small Biz Dev; Welcome New CAMEO Staff!

In this Must Know…
  • Take Action: State Investment in Small Business Development
  • Welcome our new Program Manager, Aurora!
  • 25 Reasons to Value CAMEO
  • Join us for the webinar “Cybersecurity: Mitigating Risk for Microenterprises” on May 23, 2019, at 2:00 pm.
  • Take the CAMEO Member Survey by May 29, 2019, for a chance to win a gift basket courtesy of El Pajaro’s Kitchen Incubator. 
  • Register for Advocacy Day on June 4, 2019, in Sacramento.
  • This week’s Goodie highlight: SBA has opened its PRIME grant applications, which are due June 10, 2019.

Take Action: State Investment in Small Biz Development

The Assembly JEDE Committee requested $5 million for the California Small Business and Jobs Act, which will fund programs that include the Small Business Technical Assistance Program and Small Business Finance Center. 
This proposal has the potential to generate tens of thousands of more jobs and help underserved communities. We need you to weigh in by signing letters of support before May 20, 2019
A lot is going on in Sacramento related to small and microbusiness. Find out about public banking, cottage home kitchens, and much more on our blog post “CAMEO Weighs in on State Policy.

The CAMEO Family Grows

Please welcome Aurora Anaya-Cerda, our new Program Manager for Los Angeles! Prior to her role at CAMEO, Aurora spent 15 years in audience engagement, outreach, and programming, with an emphasis on creating and supporting spaces that foster the visual, literary, and performing arts in underserved neighborhoods. 
Aurora will be supporting our programs, including Micro Moves, the new Los Angeles microbusiness collaborative. You can reach her at

25 Reasons to Value CAMEO

Our new microbusiness collaborative in Los Angeles is another one of the 25 reasons (or more!) you value CAMEO.
Reason #8: CAMEO convenes members so that they can work together to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The Goodies

Professional Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

New Research

Other Goodies

  • Member Kudos: Congrats to Main Street Launch for securing a $2 million investment from Wells Fargo to support African American entrepreneurs. 
  • Jobs: NorCal SBDC, Uptima Business Bootcamp, CalSavers, and Alameda County SBDC announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!