SSBCI Updates; Small Biz Bills Move in DC

In This Must Know…

SSBCI Updates

As you may know, the State Small Business Credit Initiative 2.0 was a major focus of our Advocacy Day (recap to come next week). California was fourth in line to be reviewed and the state has answered a couple of rounds of questions about their proposal, so good news should be here soon. On Thursday, the US Treasury released guidance for the TA program. California is poised to receive $25 million, more than any state. Ron Kelly from UST has offered to do a webinar for our membership in the latter part of May – stay tuned!

Take Action: Our colleagues at Small Business Majority has a letter opposing the Congressional effort to cut the program by $2 billion. Please have your organization sign!

Small Biz Bills Move in DC

AB 2314 passed its first hurdle!

The House passed five bi-partisan small business bills earlier this week including reauthorization for the Women’s Business Center Program and SCORE and improvements for the Small Business Development Centers. Visit our website for a list of the small business bills that passed. They will now move to the Senate.

CAMEO Member Marketing Your Organization to Reach Underserved

Join us for our two-part class” Marketing Your Organization to Reach Underserved” on May 24-25, 2022 from 10:00am-12:00pm PT.

Many underserved communities remain disconnected from the entrepreneurial ecosystem that make up the CAMEO network. This training will help organizations become a resource rich center for their clients and develop their marketing funnel. Learn how to use free webinars as a marketing tool, build your lists, and other topics related to client attraction, engagement, and retention in order to reach underserved communities

The Goodies

New Resources

For Your Clients

Other Goodies

  • AAPI Small Business Owners: Take survey on pandemic impact.
  • Jobs: LISC, PCV, PACE, Norcal VBOC, Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, and Working Solutions announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!