New, New and New

In this week’s Must Know – New, New and New

  • New Contacts for BofA
  • New CAMEO Mission Statement
  • New CAMEO Staff Member
  • The Goodies: information on important opportunities like trainings, funding, scholarship programs. This week’s highlight is more corporate contests – DailyCandy’s “Start Small, Go Big” campaign and MillerCoors Urban Entrepreneur Series (MUES) business plan competition.

New Contacts for BofA

As many of you receive funds from Bank of America, most of you may have heard that they restructured the Corporate Social Responsibility Team. They’ve now split the state into regions with their own regional managers. These are the people that you’ll want to make sure that you cultivate and talk to about your impacts. If you have questions as to who your BofA representative is, then email Claudia.

New CAMEO Mission Statement

Not exactly new, but…
At this year’s board retreat, we decided to update the mission statement and punch it up a bit. Now we’re proud to unveil it. We also came up with a vision statement (the BIG picture). All CAMEO members should memorize both!

CAMEO’s mission is to grow a healthy, vibrant, thriving environment for all entrepreneurs and start-up businesses by advancing the work of our statewide member network.

CAMEO’s vision is to create economic opportunity for all entrepreneurs, to build wealth and strong California communities.

New CAMEO Staff Member

Andrew Cole, Program CoordinatorA big hearty CAMEO welcome to Andrew Cole, our new Program Coordinator. Andrew started on Monday and brings over five years of nonprofit program coordination experience to CAMEO. We are very excited to have him and the capacity that he adds to CAMEO. If you’re in charge of your organization’s data collection, you’ll be hearing from him soon. His first big project is microTracker and our annual survey. Learn more about Andrew and send him a welcome email.

The Goodies

New opportunities for trainings, conference information, funding, scholarships, and other information that have crossed our desks since the last Must Know: I have posted a running tab of current Goodies on the CAMEO website that lists items that were in past emails. Check it out to make sure you’re not missing anything, like grants whose deadlines are still alive!

Job Opportunities: Fresno EOC and Fresno CDFI are hiring a CEO for their new credit union and West Company and Renaissance Marin are hiring program coordinators. Please check CAMEO’s job page for more information and other listings.

Calendar: I’ve posted a bunch of Member Events on our Calendar page. Check them out and if you’ve got something big going on, let me know.

Conference: CFED’s 2012 Assets Learning Conference is September 19-21 in Washington DC. The early bird registration deadline is Friday, July 13, 2013. And there’s a story contest to win a scholarship (deadline August 1, 2012.)

For Your Clients: More corporate contests! DailyCandy launched its third annual “Start Small, Go Big” campaign, aimed at helping small companies become “the next big thing.” MillerCoors Urban Entrepreneur Series (MUES) business plan competition is now open and accepting entries and it’s specifically focused on minority businesses. Fresno CDFI client, Jaymor Enterprises, is in the running to win a $250K grant from Chase/Living Social’s Mission Small Business challenge. Has anyone else had a client send in an application? If so, weigh in on our LinkedIn discussion.

Vote for Micro Enterprise: Julie Abrams, CEO of Women’s Initiative, is up for MORE Magazine’s HIRE CALLING: MORE’S JOB GENIUS AWARD, an award given to one of ten woman innovators who create jobs for women. Learn more or vote directly by August 31. The winner will receive $20,000 donated to her organization.

New Member Benefit: Through 2012, CAMEO members will receive a 20% discount to the Mighty Minnow Web School in Oakland. Mighty Minnow is picking up the role of teaching technology to non-profits as Compasspoint has discontinued its tech classes. For non-Bay Area members, remember that CAMEO can help defray travel costs. Contact CAMEO for the discount code and information on assistance.