Must Know – M-n-M’s

In this week’s Must Know

  • M-n-M’s: microTracker, microlending and media
  • The Good and Bad of PRIME
  • The Goodies: information on important opportunities like trainings, funding, scholarship programs. This week’s highlight is that CAMEO and Opening Doors are featured in a SacBee article about microlending in Sacramento

M-n-M’s: microTracker, microlending and media

The CAMEO staff has been working the phones and email this week. Our new Program Coordinator, Andrew, has been calling about microTracker, our partner for this year’s annual survey. Thanks to the dozen or so organizations who have already completed the impact survey. You are on your way to a lunch on CAMEO. If your organization completes the survey by July 31, CAMEO will give you $100 toward a staff lunch at your local micro-eatery. Contact Andrew for questions on anything to do with microTracker.

And I’ve been emailing our microlenders about their January to June loan volume as one of our members has seen an increase of 70% over last year for the first six months of the calendar year. I found this pretty exciting and wanted to explore further. And I’ve also contacted the communications staff members about a new member benefit that we unveiled at the annual meeting – a professional, effective and efficient way to spread the word out about your organization to traditional media and online outlets. Email me for questions on either topic.

If you haven’t heard from either Andrew or myself, you will. If you can’t wait, get in touch with us. We love hearing from you.

The Good and Bad of PRIME

First the bad news: According to our DC policy people, the SBA will not be making any new awards for FY2012. The good news with a shake of salt: The SBA has identified 81 current PRIME Grantees for option year awards, based on prior year(s) performance. Under normal circumstances, PRIME awardees are eligible for up to 67% of their original PRIME grant for their option year. However, given the 56% decrease in FY2012 funding from FY2011, the SBA will make 81 grants at 40% of their original PRIME grant. The SBA will be doing an online training webinar for FY2012 PRIME Grantees in late August/early September.

Claudia is in DC for the AEO board meeting and will meet with the SBA to talk about serving veterans and others on behalf of micro.

The Goodies

New opportunities for trainings, conference information, funding, scholarships, and other information that have crossed our desks since the last Must Know: I have posted a running tab of current Goodies on the CAMEO website that lists items that were in past emails. Check it out to make sure you’re not missing anything, like grants whose deadlines are still alive!

In the News: CAMEO and Opening Doors are featured in a SacBee article about microlending in Sacramento!

Job Opportunities: Fresno EOC and Fresno CDFI are hiring a CEO for their new credit union and West Company and Renaissance Marin are hiring program coordinators. Please check CAMEO’s job page for more information and other listings.

Bay Area Seminar: Working Solutions Entrepreneur Insights: Conquering Credit Issues & Business Debt – If business debt and your credit health are causing you to feel stressed and overwhelmed, this workshop will teach you debt repayment strategies, best practices for rebuilding credit, and how much business debt is too much. The seminar is Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 from 5:00pm – 6:30pm at Plaza Adelante, 2301 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA. Register and learn more. CAMEO members can use the following promotional code: member.

Bay Area Office space: Renaissance Marin has two nice offices that they want to fill with compatible CAMEO members and/or lawyers, accountants, etc. that provide services to entrepreneurs. There is a corner office for $850 per month and an office right next to it for $650 per month that includes receptionist service, wifi and an opportunity to hold forums and seminars to provide information and promote services. Contact Boku Kodama by email or phone at 415.755.1115.

Conference: CFED’s 2012 Assets Learning Conference is September 19-21 in Washington DC. There’s a story contest to win a scholarship (deadline August 1, 2012.)

For Your Clients: More corporate contests! DailyCandy launched its third annual “Start Small, Go Big” campaign, aimed at helping small companies become “the next big thing.” MillerCoors Urban Entrepreneur Series (MUES) business plan competition is now open and accepting entries and it’s specifically focused on minority businesses. Fresno CDFI client, Jaymor Enterprises, is in the running to win a $250K grant from Chase/Living Social’s Mission Small Business challenge. Has anyone else had a client send in an application? If so, weigh in on our LinkedIn discussion.

Vote for Micro Enterprise: Julie Abrams, CEO of Women’s Initiative, is up for MORE Magazine’s HIRE CALLING: MORE’S JOB GENIUS AWARD, an award given to one of ten woman innovators who create jobs for women. Learn more or vote directly by August 31. The winner will receive $20,000 donated to her organization.

New Member Benefit: Through 2012, CAMEO members will receive a 20% discount to the Mighty Minnow Web School in Oakland. Mighty Minnow is picking up the role of teaching technology to non-profits as Compasspoint has discontinued its tech classes. For non-Bay Area members, remember that CAMEO can help defray travel costs. Contact CAMEO for the discount code and information on assistance.