CAMEO Summit: Advocacy Day Prep | Governor’s Budget – May Revise

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CAMEO Summit: Advocacy Day Prep

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Join us June 7-8 at the 2023 CAMEO Summit! The staff is bustling to bring you exciting content and of course fun activities.

If you are attending Advocacy Day during the Summit (or want to learn more about the small and micro business policy landscape), please join us on May 31, 2023 at 11:30 am PT for an Advocacy Day Prep Webinar. During this session, our policy team, Heidi Pickman and Addison Peterson, will prepare you for the legislative visits. On that note, if you haven’t scheduled your legislative visit yet, please get in touch with Addison so we can make sure your region’s representatives are available on June 7. 

Governor’s Budget: May Revise

Last Friday, the Governor released a revised version of his 2023-24 budget.

Proposed increases:

  • $25 million for the California Small Agricultural Business Drought Relief Grant Program
  • $23.5 million for the Office of the Small Business Advocate
  • $50 million for the California Investment and Innovation Program

Proposed cuts:

  • $50 million to the California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Program
  • $190 million to IBank
  • $15 million to DFPI

Carolina was on KTVU on Monday speaking about the effect of the budget on small businesses.

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