CA Rebuilding Fund for Long Term Recovery; Prosperity Now Scorecard

In This Must Know…

CA Rebuilding Fund for Long Term Recovery

Join us this Friday October 22, 2021 at 2:30pm PT for the CA Rebuilding Fund Train the Trainer. We’ll go over changes in the program, share outreach strategies and answer questions.

The California Rebuilding Fund is a partnership with public, private, and nonprofit leaders to ensure that California’s smallest businesses can access the resources and capital they need to survive these challenging economic times and thrive during recovery. The program is possiblethanks to a commitment from California’s IBank, with strong support from other State agencies.

Prosperity Now Scorecard

Our colleagues at Prosperity Now prepare an annual Scorecard on the state of economic inequality. It recently became available at the local level for cities, counties, congressional districts, metro areas, and tribal areas.  

We pulled two reports for California: state-level outcomes and policy measures. To read more, visit our blog post: “California Ranks 15th in Prosperity Now’s Scorecard

SBA Requests for Comments

SBA Requests for Comments on the 2022-2026 Strategic Agenda Framework. The Strategic Agenda comes out every four years and outlines the goals of the agency through a series of objectives.

One of the objectives included is strengthening the small business contracting base. Comments are due on November 19, 2021. To comment, please send them an email.

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