Big Investments in Micro; Join us for a Policy Briefing!

Big Investments in Micro

Last week, the White House announced the Economic Opportunity Coalition, a solid step to help underserved communities. The commitments made so far signal a promising investments in underserved communities.

  • Investing in CDFIs and MDIs
  • Supporting entrepreneurship and minority-owned businesses
  • Expanding inclusive and equitable access to credit and other financial services facilitating financial health.
  • Making infrastructure investments that create more community wealth through housing.

For details, read our blog post Economic Opportunity Coalition.

Policy Briefing

Catch up on all the policy updates with CAMEO and Small Business Majority this Friday, August 5, 2022 at 11:00am PT.

We will be discussing how small business owners stand to benefit from the federal reconciliation package. We will discuss the expansion of the Affordable Care Act, including federal premium assistance for millions of California small business owners and employees.

Growing Successful Ag Businesses

Join us for Getting Comfortable In the Weeds: How to Serve California Agriculture, Businesses, September 27-November 15, on Tuesdays.

This train-the-trainer will cover the ins and outs of providing specialized assistance to small farms. Interested business coaches need to fill out the questionnaire and have a call with the trainers.

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