Micro Lending Academy: Balance Sheet Basics

Balance Sheet Basics

We don’t often get to analyze Balance Sheets with our microenterprise clients, but it’s important for all business consultants and trainers to understand them to provide quality advice on cash management, structuring debt, inventory management and much more. This webinar, the first of a two-part series, will be an introduction to Balance Sheets accounts, what they mean and how they work together. We have a fun exercise (you can use it in your classes!) that demonstrates how the Balance Sheet changes with each business transaction. We’ll also take a read on what additional Balance Sheet topics the group would like for the “Balance Sheets Part II” webinar in July.

Watch and listen to the webinar (65 minutes)

About the Presenter

SusanBrownSusan Brown is a Business & Community Development Specialist with a specific focus on Business Finance and Rural Microenterprise. CAMEO engaged Susan to implement our Rural Initiative in 2008 and is now managing our partnerships with Kiva and LiftFund’s MMS platform. Through her consulting service Susan provides strategic planning, facilitation, program development and grant writing services to non-profit organizations and government agencies as well as consulting services to small business owners.