CAMEO’s National Training Academy is pleased to offer its new Strategic Management Framework series, designed specifically to support microlending / small business lending CDFIs in understanding the components of a robust strategic management framework essential to a strong performing CDFI.
A very special thank you to the SBA PRIME Grant for funding this series!
The four-course series will be offered over a four-week period from February 8 through February 29, 2024 from 10:00am-1:00pm PST.
Each course builds on and references the content in the prior course(s) and therefore, with the exception of the initial overview course, require participation in the entire series.
If you can’t attend all four courses live, the recordings will be made available shortly after each session so you can review the material before attending the next course.
Who should attend this course?
Senior Staff Leadership and Board Leadership, including CEOs, COOs, CFOs, and lending, finance and development team leads.
No Fee to Participate
“Funded [in part] through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration,” there is NO FEE TO PARTICIPATE!
To learn more about CAMEO membership benefits and pricing, please click here.Scholarships are available for organizations that qualify. Please contact Emily Gasner ( to learn more.
Note: See Image Release Form for more details.
Course details
SMF 101: Overview of a CDFI Strategic Management Framework
When: 10am to 1pm PST, Thursday, February 8, 2024
Instructor: Leslie Hoffman
Interested in Checking out this Class on its Own?: The registration page can be found here for those interested in only attending this first class in the series.
Learning Outcomes: As a result of participating in the training, students will
- Have an understanding of the key elements of the strategic management framework;
- Be able to explain the five-pillars concept;
- Have an understanding of key elements of strategic goal setting;
- Have an understanding of the relationship between strategic goals and an annual operating plan;
- Be able to explain the role of the functional feedback loop to support organizational effectiveness;
- Be introduced to a case study example that will be used throughout the course;
- Have built relationships to strengthen their supportive network with peers.
SMF 102: Strategic Goal Setting
When: 10am to 1pm PST, Thursday, February 15, 2024
Instructor: Leslie Hoffman
Learning Outcomes: As a result of participating in the training, students will
- Be able to identify the key elements of impact and deployment pillars;
- Have an understanding of the full list of assumptions needed to support the strategic goals;
- Have built relationships to strengthen their supportive network with peers.
SMF 103: Multi-Year Projections
When: 10am to 1pm PST, Thursdat, February 22,2024
Instructor: Barbara Eckblad
Learning Outcomes: As a result of participating in the training, students will
- Understand concepts, terms and definitions used in the CDFI industry to assess financial strength and performance;
- Understand how strategic goals for organizational growth cascade into financial projections, both for lending and for operations;
- Understand key financial ratios and how to calculate them from their financial projections;
- Have built relationships to strengthen their supportive network with peers.
SMF 104: Developing an Annual Operating Plan and Functional Feedback Loop
When: 10am to 1pm PST, Thursday, February 29, 2024
Instructor: Leslie Hoffman
Learning Outcomes: As a result of participating in the training, students will
- Have an understanding of the key elements of mission growth, financial strength, capitalization, and organizational capacity goal setting;
- Understand how to develop an annual operating plan tied to strategic goals;
- Have an understanding of the key elements of the functional feedback loop;
- Understand various tools and approaches to monitoring organizational progress on strategic management;
- Have built relationships to strengthen their supportive network with peers.