Category: Must Know

  • It’s Official, Micro is a Labor Trend

    April 12, 2012
    April 12, 2012: Businesses are getting smaller (we knew that) and CAMEO has a new Program Coordinator.
  • Taxes and MicroTracker

    April 11, 2012
    April 5, 2012: CA-SETI program, Judy Chu's Bill, Congresspeople speak out for Micro and measure your data!
  • Crowdfunding and MicroTracker

    March 29, 2012
    March 29, 2012: Legislative win, good data collection and micro conferences galore.
  • Appropriations Battle – Part II

    March 23, 2012
    March 23, 2012: Write your Appropriations Letters by April 4, Register for AEO, CAMEO's Annual meeting and the San Diego…
  • Approps Battle Begins

    March 14, 2012
    March 14, 2012: Write your federal representatives and senators for support of micro, prize money and job announcements.
  • Prize Money and Awards!

    March 13, 2012
    March 8, 2012: Awards and conferences and conferences and awards! Real money and recognition!!
  • New Funds for California?

    March 2, 2012
    March 2, 2012: Federal Funds for State Self-Employment Assistance Program and Micro Conference Time
  • Ms. CAMEO Goes To Washington

    February 24, 2012
    February 23, 2012: Claudia at the Fed, Conferences, Conferences
  • Unlucky Number 13

    February 17, 2012
    February 16, 2012: Claudia at the Federal Reserve, President Obama's FY2013 budget (meh), AEO Conference sign-ups open, Writing Webinar
  • Valentines Day-Love from WaPo, FedRes

    February 10, 2012
    February 9, 2012: Claudia's column in the WaPo, Micro is bigger than VC, Claudia goes to the Fed, Writing Webinar