History of SE Workforce Project

History of the Self-Employment Workforce Project
Benchmarks from 2008-2015


  • “Think Entrepreneurs: A Call to Action”, published by Dr. Cathy Ashmore, provides rationale for including Self Employment training as Workforce development strategy.
  • CAMEO identifies Self-Employment as a labor market trend; commissions CA Senate Office of Research Study, “Microenterprises Give California’s Economy a Boost” July ‘08.


  • CAMEO and AEO met with Jane Oates, Deputy Director of U.S. Department of Labor for Employment & Training Administration, regarding changing WIA performance measures. We were told that no waivers were possible and that we need to get WIA re-authorized with new language.
  • House Committee on Labor & Workforce informed the public that no WIA Re-authorization was planned and it was highly unlikely to happen in the near future.


  • April: Santa Ana WIB funds Goodwill Orange County’s Micro Enterprise Training Program and Hispanic Business Consultants with ARRA funds.
  • May: Jane Oates presents at the AEO conference and receives feedback on need for self-employment programs.
  • June: CAMEO starts Self-employment-WIB Demo Project.
  • December: DOL-ETA issues TEGL 12-10 that encourages local WIBs to support self-employment and use supplemental information to establish performance measures (does not specify).


  • June: CAMEO develops self-employment performance measures.
  • June: CAMEO presents on self-employment strategies at California Workforce Association conference in San Diego.
  • September: Capps bill was started. The bill amends WIA performance measure to include specific measures for Self-Employment outcomes.
  • October: CAMEO hosts a panel on ‘how to implement self-employment program’ at the California Workforce Association conference in Monterey.
  • December: DOL issues NOFA for Workforce Innovation Fund (WIF). CAMEO was unable to find a WIB to partner as lead agency to apply for WIF funds for a statewide self-employment program.


  • March: Unemployment Insurance Extension bill includes Wyden’s Self Employment Assistance (SEA) program that allows states with SEA programs to allow unemployed to pursue self-employment and keep their unemployment insurance benefits. The bill appropriates $35million in funding.
  • May: The Monterey WIB invites CAMEO to apply for funds to train Workforce staff on understanding entrepreneurship and business.
  • May: HR 5805 (Capps) was introduced, referred to House Committee of Education & Workforce.
  • June: CAMEO sponsors a California Assembly bill to create a SEA program in California (TBD).


  • November: CAMEO conducts an Understanding Entrepreneurship workshop in Santa Cruz for five regional WIBs.


  • July: President Obama signs the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) that includes a call for performance measures for self-employment.
  • October: CAMEO conducts two Understanding Entrepreneurship workshops for WIBs in Sacramento and Redding in partnership with California Workforce Association.


  • April: Department of