Micro Lending Academy: Global Cash Analysis

Global Cash Analysis

While some microlenders are willing to lend based on projections, many look at current cash availability to determine debt service capacity. Susan Brown reviews how microlenders look at cash flow when assessing a borrower’s loan request.

Watch and listen to the Webinar (47 minutes)

There was a small technical error with the recording equipment on this webinar, so the first few slides were cut off. Download the full slide deck here.

About the Presenter

susan-brownSusan Brown‘s job is to provide you with facilitation, guidance, information, support and collaboration to make your work effective, connected to your values and aligned with your goals. Economic justice and values-driven economic development have been her primary focus during her entire professional life.  She brings these long-standing passions to her work along with an eclectic set of life experiences to provide a mature, in-depth perspective to individual and organizational change and growth.