Do-It-Yourself Economic Growth

The world is rapidly changing. Nothing is as it was 10 years ago, and we can only imagine what will be in 10 years and that includes changing economic conditions and a changing labor market. This means the economic development field needs to consider new economic development tools to deal with a new reality. One of those tools is the Do-It-Yourself Economy, an economy built on a foundation of small, locally-owned, diverse businesses. CAMEO was asked to write an article for the IEDC Economic Journal that focuses on why we need new tools, explains the reality of small business and self-employment labor market trends, and delineates some of the tools that local economic developers can use to create a sustainable future for their regions.

Please download Do-It-Yourself Economic Growth: How Communities Can Cultivate Their Talent and Thrive. Read it. Use it as a resource. Share it.