Sign up for Leadership Training | Our 30th: AI for Small Business Development

In this Must Know…

Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Join the Cohort

Looking to take the next step forward in your leadership journey?

Our new leadership cohort and training series offers a unique opportunity to engage with fellow leaders in a supportive environment. Share your successes and challenges, exchange best practices, and receive guidance from CAMEO Network on the materials covered.

Topics include: fundamentals, imposter syndrome, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution.

The cohort meets once a week starting on October 8, 2024. You can join the full series cohort, enroll in the half series, or register for individual sessions!

AI for Small Biz Development at our 30th Anniversary

Stop Whispering, a marketing consultancy for mission-based financial services organizations, recently completed a report on how CDFIs and TA providers are approaching AI adoption.

Stop Whispering Founder, Laura Kozien, will join us to present the report highlights and bring together a panel of AI thought leaders to explore how our sector can better understand and harness AI technology for positive impact.

This is one of the many cutting-edge conversations we’ll host at our anniversary celebration on November 13-14, 2024 for Equity in Action: Innovating the Small Business Ecosystem.

Carolina Martinez at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting

Carolina at CGI and Happy Birthday, CDFI Fund!

This week, CEO Carolina Martinez attended the Clinton Global Initiative 2024 Meeting in New York. It was the perfect opportunity to share the impact that our 2022 Commitment to create a National CDFI Academy that builds the capacity of the CDFI industry has had nationwide. We are proud to have trained more than 1,200 staff from over 100 mission-based lenders across 49 states over the past two years.

It is also a special week because 30 years ago, on September 23, 1994, President Clinton signed into law H.R. 3474, the Riegle Community Development Act, which created the CDFI Fund. 🎉

The Goodies

Virtual Events

Industry News

For Your Clients

Other Goodies

  • Professional Development: Applications are open for NALCAB’s LEAD Fellowship. The deadline to apply is October 18, 2024.
  • Jobs: Housing Trust Silicon Valley, NorCal SBDC, VentureWell, and AFR Education Fund announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!