Summer School Recap | 2022 CAMEO Impact Census

In this Must Know…

  • Summer School Recap: TA for Green Businesses
  • Fill out our 2022 Impact Census
  • State Policy Update
  • This week’s Goodie Highlight is the announcement that two CAMEO Members, Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation and Logan Heights CDC were awarded CalMoneySmart grants by the DFPI!

Summer School Recap

promo graphic for Technical Assistance for Green Businesses

Yesterday, we held the second session of our Climate + Small Biz Summer School, which focused on technical assistance for green businesses.

It was a packed session! First, we had Mitchell Smith from CDFA who told us about the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund and how your orgs can participate. Then small business owner Shafia Nisa shared her story on how she achieved her green business certification. And finally, we had Maria Corona from California Green Business Network and Amanda Anthony from Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center explain how they help small businesses go green. If you missed the live session, you can watch the recording here.

On next week’s session, we’ll have Jonathan Scott Verhoef from GoGreen Business Energy Financing who will talk to us about resources available for orgs who want to start a green business portfolio. Join us Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 11:00am PT!

2022 CAMEO Impact Census

In 2022, we successfully advocated for ecosystem investments of $105.5 million, more than a 50% increase from 2021.

CAMEO’s Impact Census collects the data that fuels our advocacy. We cannot advocate successfully without you!

Please send us your 2022 data by filling out this membership survey by August 31, 2023.

State Policy Update

CAMEO’s Heidi Pickman testified in strong support of SB 33 (Glazer) and truth in lending for small business in Assembly Appropriations this week. The opposition testified that they were going neutral. It passed the committee with a unanimous vote. Next stop is the Assembly Floor sometime before September 14.  

SB 666 (Min), which will curb excessive financing fees, will be heard in the same committee the week of August 28.

The Goodies

Member News

New Research

Other Goodies