Summer School Part I Recap | MEHKO Bill Is Now Law

In this Must Know…

Summer School Part I Recap

graphic for Climate + Small Biz Summer School

Yesterday we held the first session of our four-part series for the Climate + Small Biz Summer School.

Joining us was Neda Arabshahi, VP of the Inclusiv Center for Resiliency and Clean Energy. She led a conversation on how climate change disrupts life and its economic impact on communities. Then she showed us the data on the growing investment into solar energy and how small business owners are uniquely positioned to help deliver on the promises of the Inflation Reduction Act. Finally, we talked about how we as small business development organizations can leverage our networks to make sure disadvantaged communities participate in the green economy.

Don’t forget to sign up for Parts II-IV of the Climate + Small Biz Summer School. The recordings for all sessions will be available in the Members Only section of CAMEO Academy in September.

screenshot of Telemundo interview with Elsy Flores

MEHKO Bill Is Now Law

Gov. Newsom’s signing of AB 1325 is great news for California’s entrepreneurs. The legislation, which increases the number of meals per week that can be sold by Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKOs) from 60 to 90 and doubles their annual gross revenue cap from $50,000 to $100,000, will expand economic opportunity for California’s home cooks. 

Home kitchens offer an affordable entry-point to business ownership for disadvantaged populations. Watch Carolina’s interview with Telemundo 48 to learn more about the passage of this law.

federal budget graphic

Federal Appropriations Update

The Senate Appropriations Committee passed all 12 of its government funding bills, which need floor action for passage. Overall, SBA program funding has held steady, which is good news especially being so close to an election year. A big exception is the CDFI Fund. The House Appropriations Subcommittee proposed a $46 million cut to the program while the Senate is likely to stick to the spending levels in the debt ceiling deal. We need your help! Use OFN’s Policy Action Center’s tools to send a letter to your senators to support $341 million for the CDFI Fund for FY2024.

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