Fill out the Digital Literacy Survey; Upcoming CAMEO Member Events

In This Must Know…

Digital Literacy Survey

We have heard from our members in dozens of listening sessions and calls that digital literacy / adaption was a key element for businesses to recover. To address this, CAMEO included the development of a 6 hour digital literacy and fluency curriculum for you to use with your clients in its PRIME grant. Please fill out this survey to help us develop the curriculum.

(According to a Reimaging Main Street survey of small business owners the three most important elements for the beginning of the recovery for small businesses are vaccines, capital, and digital literacy/adaptation.)

CAMEO Member Events

Did you know you can add your events to our CAMEO calendar to be featured. You can easily follow these instructions for it to be added.

February is Black History Month

This Black History Month, we want to shine the light onto all of the Black entrepreneurs we have shared on our CAMEO success stories. Buy Black this February!

If you want your clients to be featured in our success stories, email Annissa to have them added

The Goodies

Funding Opportunity

Professional Development

For Your Clients & Industry News

Other Goodies

  • Jobs: Greenlining, Public Counsel, Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, PCV, Mandela Partners, TMC Community Capital, Prospera, and California FarmLink announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!