2021 Wrap-Up: 8 New CA Laws Impact Nonprofits

Thanks to our colleagues at CalNonprofits who pulled together the legislation that California passed in the FY 20-21 legislative session that will affect nonprofits.

AB 488 Under this new law, platforms will have to disclose all processing fees upfront. They’ll need to get consent, in most cases, before using a nonprofit’s name to solicit funds. And they’ll be required to distribute donations to nonprofits promptly and offer some transparency to the money’s path. Online platforms will have to register with the Attorney General (AG), placing them under the AG’s supervision going forward.AB 37 (Berman) and AB 796 (Berman) extendvote-by-mail to all elections in California (AB 37) and strengthen our Motor Voter Program that registers voters through the Department of Motor Vehicles (AB 796).
AB 424 (Stone) protects student loan borrowers with private loans — including those borrowers who work for nonprofits — from frivolous lawsuits by loan servicers.
AB 900 (Reyes) reduces the possibility of self-dealing by trustees of charitable trusts by requiring them to give notice to the AG when they want to sell or transfer all or most of a trust’s assets.  
AB 1267 (Cunningham) allows alcohol beverage manufacturers to give to nonprofits a portion of proceeds from their fundraising efforts through sales of alcoholic beverages. Now through 2024 nonprofits can work with alcohol beverage manufacturers to fundraise as long as those efforts do not encourage alcohol consumption.
AB 118 (Kamlager) creates the Community Response Initiative to Strengthen Emergency Systems Act grant pilot program to provide grants to community-based organizations to engage in emergency response activities that do not require a law enforcement officer.
SB 28 (Caballero) requires the state’s Public Utilities Commission to collect data on the locations broadband franchise holders are servicing and to hear customer grievances against franchise holders.