Michael and Deborah Baldini, Biordi Art Imports

This story was originally published on sfsbdc.org.

Michael and Deborah Baldini

A leading importer of the finest Italian Ceramics from Italy, Biordi Art Imports offers hand-painted dinnerware and home décor from artisans in Italy. Biordi Art Imports has been a historical treasure in San Francisco’s North Beach for 75 years.

The pandemic of 2020 caused the store to close for four months and sales plummeted. To overcome their forced closure, Michael and Deborah Baldini sought assistance from the San Francisco SBDC. The owners attended webinars to learn about the pandemic assistance programs available to small businesses. They also received marketing assistance for their Legacy Business Application and for their 75th Anniversary celebration event and promotion.

Biordi Art Imports

Michael and Deborah secured working capital from the Paycheck Protection Program and an Economic Injury Disaster Loan which helped them keep their business alive during the most difficult months in 2020. They also applied for Legacy Business status and are on track to receive approval in July 2021. The City of San Francisco proclaimed May 1st as Biordi Art Imports Day to honor the store’s 75 years in business. Additionally, their landlord worked with them to manage the rent during this challenging time.

Biordi pivoted its business model from 80% retail and 20% online to predominantly online sales. Total sales in 2020 increased by 4% over 2019 due to the new focus on e-commerce. 2021 is currently up by 15% over the same time last year.

The SBDC has been very helpful, especially in these challenging times by showing us how to navigate the loan application process. Valerie Camarda in particular, was wonderful to work with, as she was always available with advice and recommendations.

Michael and Deborah Baldini