Proposed Infrastructure Plan Will Help California’s Small Businesses Thrive

Statement by Carolina Martinez, CEO of  CAMEO, California’s statewide micro-business network and leading voice for businesses with one to four employees, on President Biden’s new infrastructure plan – the American Jobs Plan

San Francisco, March 31, 2021—President Biden’s announcement of the American Jobs Plan is a promising step toward creating a strong economy where California’s small businesses can thrive – supported by much-needed investments in infrastructure. 

Small business owners are no strangers to overcoming adversity and finding ways to adjust to difficult situations. But no entrepreneur is successful in a vacuum. To reach their full potential, small businesses need physical connections to markets, that is access to robust transportation systems, stable supply chains and working broadband.

The American Jobs Plan will upgrade these systems and provide small businesses with the reliable infrastructure they need to reach their customers, transport their goods and access a stable supply chain.  These upgrades will be key to building strong small businesses across California – from underserved urban centers to rural communities. 

The proposed infrastructure plan also calls for a $31 billion investment to create a national network of small business incubators and innovation hubs, with a particular focus on businesses in communities of color and other underserved communities, a resource that will provide essential connections to other entrepreneurs and a support system. These investments are exactly what small businesses need to jumpstart an equitable and lasting recovery. 

Additionally, CAMEO is pleased to see the American Jobs Plan take steps to right size the corporate tax structure and create a more level playing field for small businesses. By returning the corporate tax rate to the 21st century average from before the 2017 tax law, it will ensure small businesses are no longer paying more than their fair share of taxes and make it easier for them to compete.

When our infrastructure is strong and our tax system is fair, small businesses can focus on what they do best: innovating, creating wealth and creating jobs. With a proper support system in place and a level playing field, California’s very small businesses – including rural businesses and businesses in communities of color – will thrive and build a stronger economy for us all.