PRIME Grant Projects

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CAMEO is a recipient of a PRIME grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration, with the purpose of providing training and capacity building services to micro-enterprise development organizations and programs.

PRIME Grant Projects in 2020

Online Learning PlatformResponding to the market needs, CAMEO developed an online learning center where our online capacity building programs will live.– Learning Management System
Coaching AcademyThe CAMEO Academy’s capacity building programs aim to expand business assistance training and ensure our members can meet their clients’ needs.– Bring Business Assistance Online
– Business Coaching Essentials
– Cybersecurity
– Understanding Online Learning
– Digital Tools Training
– Gig Economy
MicroLending AcademyCAMEO created the MicroLending Academy to increase microlending in California by supporting our members to expand their capacity, skills, capital resources and technology adoption.– Online Lending Platform Cohort 2.0
– MicroLending Essentials Training Online
– Crowdfunding
– Microlenders Forum
– CDFI Essentials
WBC Collective Impact Measurement for Microloans CAMEO will support the Network of WBCs in California to significantly increase the technological and staff capacity that will strengthen program performance and client outcome tracking and lead to powerful impact reporting.– Measure Up Program