GrowthWheel for CAMEO Members | Food Business Webinar 2

In this Must Know…

GrowthWheel for CAMEO Members

In this month’s “Tech Tools for TA” webinar, we presented an overview of GrowthWheel. If you missed it, you can watch the recording here.

GrowthWheel is a visual toolbox used by business advisors to help clients build and grow their businesses. If we have enough interest, we can offer GrowthWheel to our membership at $125/mo per coach, a 28% discount over the nonprofit price. And as more organizations join, we can consider further lowering the price. If you’re interested, please contact Heidi. The gains in productivity and efficiency are worth the price you pay for the software.

cooking up success webinar series

Food Business Webinar 2

Join us on February 6, 2020 at 12:00pm PST for “Growing Your Clients’ Food Businesses,” the second webinar in our 3-part “Cooking Up Success” series in partnership with NALCAB.

We’ll look at some of the resources available that can help food businesses grow and find markets and learn more about the critical connection between capital and place-based sustainability.

SB 1235 Implementation

The California Department of Business Oversight opened a third round of comments on the implementation of SB 1235, the transparency-in-business-lending law we helped pass in late 2018.

CAMEO has signed on to the Responsible Business Lending Coalition’s letter to DBO on the proposed rulemaking for SB 1235. We estimate that small businesses will save a total of $617 million to $2.3 billion in financing costs annually with transparent disclosures of the financing costs. If you are interested in signing on, please contact Heidi by end of day TODAY.

The Goodies

Professional Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

Policy News

Other Goodies

  • Survey: Take the Aspen Institute’s survey about the work of organizations in the area of job quality.
  • Los Angeles Food Policy Council, PACE LA, and Renaissance announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!​​