Take Action on Federal & State Issues!

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In this Must Know…
  • Take Action on Federal and State Issues
  • 2019 CAMEO Member Survey Results
  • 25 Reasons to Value CAMEO – Event Calendar
  • This week’s Goodie highlight is NCRC’s call for small business owners to help with their small business financing engagement research.

Take Action on Federal & State Issues

Federal – The House passed FY2020 funding for Treasury, SBA, and USDA at levels at or above most of CAMEO’s requests. During next week’s recess, contact your Senators and ask them to support the House-passed funding levels as they begin their appropriations work. Download our July Recess Alert for detailed information.
State – Last week, the Public Banking Act (AB 857) passed the Senate Banking and Financial Institutions Committee, and it moves to the Senate Governance and Finance Committee next week. Call your Senators and ask them to support the bill and reject Senator McGuire’s amendment, which would make it harder for cities and counties to create public banks.

Member Survey Results

The results of the 2019 CAMEO Member Survey are in! The data confirms we are on the right track with our focus on advocacy and capacity building, and sheds light on the challenges facing our members going forward. See the highlights in our latest blog post.
The winner of El Pajaro’s gift basket is Trisha Funk from JEDI! Congratulations and thanks to everyone who completed the survey. Your answers will help us improve and offer better services.

25 Reasons to Value CAMEO

As we reflect on our 25 years of work in the sector, every week we’ll be highlighting one of the 25 reasons (or more!) to value CAMEO. Our events calendar was one of the little-known benefits valued by respondents of our member survey.
Reason #14: CAMEO helps members promote their events through our Event Calendar, which keeps visitors informed of all industry events in California and beyond.

The Goodies

Professional Opportunities

For Your Clients

New Reports

Other Goodies

  • Member News: FIELD at the Aspen Institute is changing its name to the Business Ownership Initiative.
  • Jobs: WEV, EDFC, and California Budget & Policy Center announced new jobs recently. See who else is hiring!