Small Business Amendments in NDAA Bill Passed by House

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on a 220-197 vote with no Republican support.

Several small business amendments are part of the package, including:

  • Report on Contracts Awarded to 8(a) Small Businesses – Requires a report as to the number of contracts awarded to program participants under the 8(a) Small Business Program (Small Business Committee Chair Velazquez, D-NY))
  • Subcontracting for Puerto Rico Businesses – Amends the Small Business Act to allow prime contractors the ability to double the value of a subcontract for purposes of the subcontracting goals if the subcontractor is a Puerto Rico business. (Velazquez)
  • Accelerated Payment –Directs agencies to accelerate payment of small business prime contractors to the fullest extent possible, with a goal of 15 days after receipt of proper invoice and extends this accelerated payment objective to other-than-small prime contractors that subcontract with small businesses on the condition that the prime contractors agree to accelerate payments to their small subcontractors.  (Rep. Hagedorn, R-MN)
  • Contracting Credit for Territories – Amends the Small Business Act granting small businesses in the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands the contracting credit. (Velazquez)
  • SBIR/STTR – Directs Procurement Center Representatives and other acquisition personnel to assist small business in the SBIR and STTR program in terms of researching applicable solicitations for small business concerns and technical assistance when bidding for contracts. (Rep. Finkenaur, D-IA)
  • Boots to Business – Authorizes for five years the Boots to Business program. (Rep. Schneider, D-IL)

The bill now heads to conference committee with the Senate, which passed its companion bill last month.