Coaching Academy; 30 Years after HR 5050; Take Action for Immigrants!

In this Must Know…

  • CAMEO’s Coaching Academy
  • 30th Anniversary of HR 5050, The Women’s Business Ownership Act
  • Take Action: Protect Immigrant Entrepreneurs
  • CAMEO members that complete the microTracker Census by the end of October will receive $100 toward lunch for their staff (and FIELD is offering a gift card raffle.)
  • The Goodies – This week’s highlight is CRC’s training on how to fight back to defend the CRA on November 6, 2018, at 1:00 pm PST.

Coaching Academy

CAMEO launched the Coaching Academy to develop new approaches to expanding business assistance training in the face of a rapidly changing landscape. The goal is to ensure that our member organizations operate with sophistication, professionalism, and efficiency while fulfilling their mission and meeting the needs of their clients. Features are similar to those of the Micro Lending Academy.
Click here to learn more about these programs.

30th Anniversary of the Women’s Business Ownership Act

Before 1988 – a mere 30 years ago – any woman looking for a business loan would have needed a male relative as their co-signer and faced other significant barriers to business success. HR 5050, Women’s Business Ownership Act of 1988, sought to remedy the situation and made it possible for women to take out business loans under their own name. A report commissioned by Congress concluded that “Women-owned businesses may well provide the cutting edge—and the American advantage—in the worldwide economic competitiveness fast upon us.” 
Read more about today’s 30th anniversary of HR 5050 on our blog: Women Business Owners, 30 Years after HR 5050.

Take Action: Support Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Immigrants have a propensity toward entrepreneurship. Immigrants are twice as likely as U.S.-born people to start their own business and that rate is rising and first-generation immigrants start businesses at a 27% higher rate than native-born Americans.
Our friends at EBALDC request that we take immediate action to protect our immigrant communities. Submit your comment to demand that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security does not expand the “public charge” definition.

The Goodies


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