Month: September 2013

  • Fredy Gamez, Mission Street Oyster Bar

    September 10, 2013
    Small business owner Fredy Gamez opened the Mission Street Oyster Bar thanks to technical assistance from MEDA and a microloan…
  • Monday Kiva Loans

    September 9, 2013
    Crowdfunding microloans for California small businesses, including a designer, a clothing retailer and a pet food delivery service.
  • Letters to Gov Brown & SE Data Webinar

    September 6, 2013
    September 5, 2013: Letters to Gov Brown to Support AB 285 and Self-Employment/micro-biz Data Webinar
  • Larry Knowles, Rising Tide Sea Vegetables

    September 5, 2013
    Larry Knowles, owner of Rising Tide Sea Vegetables, identified problems and opportunities for his small business thanks to help from…
  • Take Action on AB 285

    September 4, 2013
    August 29, 2013: Take Action on AB 285, Integrate Self-Employment into Workforce System; Micro-biz creates all the jobs.
  • Tuesday Kiva Loans

    September 3, 2013
    Kiva small business microloans from CAMEO members PACE and Working Solutions. Borrowers include a clothing designer and a pet food…