2012 Legislative Priorities


The Entrepreneurial Training Improvement Act was written by Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA23) to direct the U.S. Department of Labor to develop performance measures for self-employment in order to increase entrepreneurial training activities at the local level.

The Entrepreneur Startup Growth Act, or H.R. 3571, was introduced by Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA32) in December of 2011. The bill would provide free schedule C tax advice and help low-income business owners file taxes. CAMEO is quite pleased as the bill would institutionalize our successful CA-Self Employment Tax Initiative project.

The Microenterprise and Youth Entrepreneurship Development Act of 2011 was introduced by Representative Cedric Richmond (D-LA) in October 2011 with several California co-sponsors:

  • Rep. Karen Bass [D-CA33] (joined Oct 24, 2011)
  • Rep. Laura Richardson [D-CA37] (joined Oct 24, 2011)
  • Rep. Barbara Lee [D-CA9] (joined Dec 08, 2011)
  • Rep. Janice Hahn [D-CA36] (joined Apr 19, 2012)

The bill, H.R. 2809, would restore and enhance the SBA’s PRIME Programs and give Micro a seat at the table. AEO worked hard to make this bill a reality.

CAMEO’s FY2013 Budget Recommendations
• $8 million – SBA PRIME
• $25 million – SBA Microloan–Lending
• $22 million – SBA Microloan –Technical Assistance
• $14 million – SBA Women’s Business Centers
• $108 million – SBA Small Business Development Centers
• $22.5 million – USDA RMAP
• $32 million – USDA RBEG
• $221 million – CDFI Fund
• $769 million – DOL WIA – Adult Employment. And Training Funds
• $125 million – DOL Workforce Innovation Fund

Download the CAMEO Leg Priorities for Briefing w LTRHD.